haha! i'm backk~` miss mii? lolx! =Pp been lazyyy.. hurhur! sch0ol was great for the pass 2 days! blehhs ; had s0 so much fuNn.. yyeahhx... am n0w feeling so siCk` c0z of my flu.. hikss...
14th fEb - yAyys.. valentine's day! lOls! received ll0tsa sms and msg's on msn~ thanks.. =Pp blehhs ; went to school.. weets! school was great.. had so so much fuN`` teehees! run around.. watching sh0ws ard.. hahaha! if eu get what i mean.. =)) n0 assembly.. hurhur~ less0n go as usual th0.. last 2 period was the beSt.. went out.. walk ard wif fwens.. hurhur~
derrick giving fl0wers to agnes~ lOls!
15th fEb - went t0 school.. hurhur! fuN day.. tralala.. ll0tsa works tho.. had literature today.. haha! then talked~` teehheess! =Pp nothing much.. blehhs ;
whee~ b0red
`` g0t back home.. sh0wered.. siawching came to m0ii house.. lOls! marmiie picked us out.. went to pick nNy .. then marmiie drop us at saberkas.. =) shop.. walk walk! went to ciNdy.. and... whee~` arent we cute? haha!
siawching~ hurhur! s0 cute! th0se clips! i must buy! s0on..
`` we went h0ngkong noodle house.. nNy was hungy! hehehe! mii and siawching drank while waiting for nNy.. hehhes! piCx time..
`` we went walking ard... and yyea.. b0red ady.. so we called the cab.. hehe! nNy was like freaking worried that the taxi driver ishh g0nna be a malay driver.. sWt .. taxi came.. and she was like
nny : sam!! d0nt want! it's malay..
ching : s0? aiyarr.. d0nt worry la.. n0thing de..
sam : aitii.. reached liao.. let's go ba.. nvm de..
*in the taxi*
taxi driver : ni men yao qi na li?
sam : hopoh~
ching : s0? aiyarr.. d0nt worry la.. n0thing de..
sam : aitii.. reached liao.. let's go ba.. nvm de..
*in the taxi*
taxi driver : ni men yao qi na li?
sam : hopoh~
` HAHAHAHA! i was like... laughing all the way.. hehehhs.. nny became speechless.. hahaa! =Pp
`` the taxi driver was reallie fwenly lohx.. haha! =) luckily.. phew! blehhs ; we reached h0poh.. walk ard... weets.. went to look for c0ntact lens price.. and compare.. then went lea centre.. siawching looked f0r heels~ hurhur! walked ard and took picx lorh.. blehhs ;
`` then we went d0wn to haf a drink.. lOls! took picx like madness.. but all the picx are in siawching's cam... will upload it when i see her online~ =)) teehees! afterthat marmiie picked us up then brought em home .. afterthat we went back home.. hehe! had dinner wif family.. then online.. chatted wif fwens and went to bed.. hurhur~
16th fEb - friday~` didn't g0 to school nehh.. woke up 10 smth.. sms till1 smth.. then slept till late~ woke up and had lunch.. then online.. chatted wif fwens.. hehee!! evening.. showered then went to h0cklee~ hurhur! b4 the dinner starts.. alis0n cuzzie and i went down to the arcade and played.. hehehe! then we went back up.. lols! g0shh!! i saw j0hn!! wahaha! so surprised.. lolx! he was eating dinner wif his family... teehees! didn't notice him at first.. haha! neways.. the dinner was alryte.. yumm.. =) tOok picx!

`` saw shirley and her sis and mum.. haha! =Pp afterthat m0ii familie and i went back home ard 10 smthh... reached h0me.. phil was like asking mii to go rave party.. lolx! dixdix and him went to pick mii.. end up road blocks at most place.. told daddiie nohx.. so daddiie asked marmiie and sis picked mii there.. haha! thanks! =)) reached there.. hehe! kewl.. love the bass ~ hahahaa!! i just love it! weeets! =Pp met raBbit at the entrance there.. hehes! it went alryte.. hehe! saw some huge fireworks~ damn nicee! =Pp dunn0 why.. i just love fireworks! hehe! neways.. paul brought mii home~ went online n0hx... just for a while.. then went to bed.. was freaking tired.. hiks hiks... sms till fall asleep~ hurhur!
17th fEb - chinese new year's eve.. hurhur~ went dinner at granny's place (dad's side) damn full` haha! blehhs ; afterthat tOok picx!! wahaha! =Pp crazyyy miiii~~ blehhs ;

taxi driver? lOls!
`` the taxi driver was reallie fwenly lohx.. haha! =) luckily.. phew! blehhs ; we reached h0poh.. walk ard... weets.. went to look for c0ntact lens price.. and compare.. then went lea centre.. siawching looked f0r heels~ hurhur! walked ard and took picx lorh.. blehhs ;
mii and nNy while waiting for siawching to try on bags~ i look fuNny.. LOLS!
`` then we went d0wn to haf a drink.. lOls! took picx like madness.. but all the picx are in siawching's cam... will upload it when i see her online~ =)) teehees! afterthat marmiie picked us up then brought em home .. afterthat we went back home.. hehe! had dinner wif family.. then online.. chatted wif fwens and went to bed.. hurhur~
16th fEb - friday~` didn't g0 to school nehh.. woke up 10 smth.. sms till1 smth.. then slept till late~ woke up and had lunch.. then online.. chatted wif fwens.. hehee!! evening.. showered then went to h0cklee~ hurhur! b4 the dinner starts.. alis0n cuzzie and i went down to the arcade and played.. hehehe! then we went back up.. lols! g0shh!! i saw j0hn!! wahaha! so surprised.. lolx! he was eating dinner wif his family... teehees! didn't notice him at first.. haha! neways.. the dinner was alryte.. yumm.. =) tOok picx!
mii , sis and cuzzies!! mwahx!
`` saw shirley and her sis and mum.. haha! =Pp afterthat m0ii familie and i went back home ard 10 smthh... reached h0me.. phil was like asking mii to go rave party.. lolx! dixdix and him went to pick mii.. end up road blocks at most place.. told daddiie nohx.. so daddiie asked marmiie and sis picked mii there.. haha! thanks! =)) reached there.. hehe! kewl.. love the bass ~ hahahaa!! i just love it! weeets! =Pp met raBbit at the entrance there.. hehes! it went alryte.. hehe! saw some huge fireworks~ damn nicee! =Pp dunn0 why.. i just love fireworks! hehe! neways.. paul brought mii home~ went online n0hx... just for a while.. then went to bed.. was freaking tired.. hiks hiks... sms till fall asleep~ hurhur!
17th fEb - chinese new year's eve.. hurhur~ went dinner at granny's place (dad's side) damn full` haha! blehhs ; afterthat tOok picx!! wahaha! =Pp crazyyy miiii~~ blehhs ;
mii kiSsing siS~ haha!
auNt , mii and cuzzie~
auNt, mii and cousins!! =)
anastasia aNd mii~ lOls! =)
mii disturbing siS taking piC~ hahaha! =P
auNt, mii and cousins!! =)
anastasia aNd mii~ lOls! =)
mii disturbing siS taking piC~ hahaha! =P
``lOls! enuff... blehhs ; afterthat we went gai gai ard d0wntown.. =)) hehee! then we went backh0me.. bad stomachache.. hiks hiks!! hehehee! went online afterthat.. chatted and upload piCx.. and now i'm blogging... took some time.. for the piCx to be uploaded... siians.. am feeling so tired.. wanna sleep ady~ take care!
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