``hahas! slept kinda early last nite.. ard 11 smth.. summ0re woke up late.. ard 6.20.. hehe! =)) feels so nice to sleep? ^@^ oiNks! neways.. w0ke up.. g0t ready for sch.. it was raining.. marmiie br0ught mii to sch.. and yyeah.. when it's raining .. the prefects will haf to bring us in sch wif umbrellas! LOL! chamms.. siianx.. s0 ngam... is the assistant head prefect that came to bring mii.. hiks hiks!! which i dislike m0st.. O.o! still 'm0rning' to mii summore.. lolx! neways.. g0t into class.. and ciA asked mii to accompany her to canteen.. s0 we went canteen.. the aunty gave us s0me biscuits thingy to try.. haha! =Pp afterthat mr ang came.. chase us back to class.. haha! had english less0n.. then c0mmerce.. discussion again.. afterthat we had principal less0n ..
then ge0.. n0tes!! and w0rk.. yyeahs! =) recess afterthat.. went canteen.. freaking c0ld.. hehe! then everyone stayed in class.. wif the d0or and windows closed.. haha! after recess.. had moral lesson.. girls had a tiff in the class.. hurhur~ k0lien norx.. sumhow felt like nNy is being accused n0hx.. sumtimes the class monitor them kinda unfair lorhs..
haha! haihx..settled it sumhow~ then we had science.. on the way to lab.. haha! walking down the stairs.. so funny.. it was rained heavily.. so the staircase was like kinda flooded? chamms.. derrick so funny siax.. he was like sweeping the water step by step for mii to walk.. haha! thanks neways.. =)
at lab.. s0 nervous bout the quiz thingy.. but teacher say posponed to next lesson.. phew~ afterthat.. last 2 period.. hiStory n0rx.. kekes! teacher freaking funny.. blekks! did lotsa n0tes .. and then.. *rring* g0 home lu~
`` marmiie picked mii up.. it was raining.. we went h0me.. ate my lunch.. couldn't finish.. afterthat.. watched m0ii favourite cartoon.. haha! till i fall asleep.. marmiie went to work.. i woke up .. watched tv.. then my siS w0ke up.. she watched wif mii n0rx.. sumhow.. i keep falling asleep.. and wake again.. f0r a few time.. haha! we watched 2 movies afterthat.. then went online.. played game.. marmiie g0t home... then s0on.. daddiie g0t home too.. we went out dinner together.. and then back h0me.. online~ hehe! chatted wif kheelip and kelviN f0r a while.. and n0w i'm bloggin~ g0nna sleep s0on? haha! had a great time in sch0ol! =) hope tomoro will be better.. haha! blehhs ; till then.. nites!
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