Thursday, January 25, 2007


blehhs ; =Pp~ alryte.. i didn't bl0g yesterday c0z i was kinda sick? haha! teehees!

24th jaN - yyea.. i woke up and find m0iiself dizzy .. hiks hiks.. can't even walk properly.. as if i'm falling d0wn.. hurhur~ neways.. g0t moiiself ready for school and marmiie brought mii there.. reached sch0ol.. slept in class.. glad~ i was lucky.. first period we had free time c0z the assembly is cancelled.. and the 2nd and 3rd peri0d.. teacher didn't sh0w up.. so it's like i had 3 full period to sleep~ haha! woke up.. felt better a lil.. but i end up having fever.. s0 nNy accompany mii to canteen to buy med.. saw leslie , nigel and billy.. lOls! billy was like ' ah.. t0utou buy things arh.. ' and i was like ' what l0rh.. i buy medicine arhs!! ' =.='' walking away.. he asked ' eh? u sick arhh? ' while walking away.. i said ' yeala.. s0 sick neh. ' hahaha! teruknya..summore i was s0 deadly.. like z0mbie.. hiaks hiaks.. reached class.. ate medi.. did s0me maths w0rk.. then g0t dizzy again.. siian.. i slept n0rx.. afterthat.. recess.. sumone tapped on my shoulder.. like trying to wake mii up.. s0 i woke up.. asked shayn who tapped on m0ii shoulder.. it was j0ey.. hiks hiks.. so neways.. went canteen wif shayn.. bought food.. walking so deadly.. with my head down.. on the way back to class.. kheelip asked.. ' what happen to u again liaox? ' i said.. ' n0thing la.. just sick .. ' s0 they went t0 moii class for recess.. didn't haf the appetite to eat.. s0 .. talked to kheelip.. telling him s0me of my dark secrets... even his.. talked till tear~ haiix.. after recess.. had bM lesson.. did w0rk norx.. then i rest.. last 2 period.. english.. was talking to shayn and nNy