Friday, April 13, 2007


i dd0nt know whether u ever get int0 moii blog or n0t.. but.. i just want YOU to know.... i HATE it everytime when u said things lyk ' study.. u d0wanna study ' or ' u didn't study huh?! ' wtf mann.. it's like i've BEEN studying.. ESPECIALLY nowadays! i keep studying.. even in sch0ol.. eu can even ask my fwens.. i concentrate on my studies and NOT FUCK CARE what's around.. do u even know? NO... why? sigh.. sheeshh.. s0 hard to talk to u ... it just gets mii annoyed each time u said th0se things.. makes mii d0n't have THE MOOD! to talk nemore... i'm so sick of it .. dannng... i still remember what u said that particular nite when i got back from TUITION?.. th0 u asked mii to pretend that u didn't say a w0rd.... the thing is I CANT .. alryte? what's done is done.. what's said is said~ so u can't CHANGE anything.. but to asked properly before u NAG or wadeva... lucky i'm not that kinda person that gives up easily... if i were .........

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