Sunday, April 29, 2007


wahaha! i'm reallie happy.. d0nt ask mii why either..
lOls! =Pp blehhs ; hmm.. i just got back home not long ago..
went dinner wif marmiie .. lyk i sed.. it's mii and marmiie onlii tonite..
hahas! xD went weStwood for dinner.. den we went
to courts mammoth.. hiks hiks! =P

afterthat we went back h0me nehh.. went online..
read blogs.. and chatted in irc.. x)
hehe! am feeling so bored ryte now.. i wonder if audi is laggy t0nite..
wuwuwu~ tom0rrow's monday.. i bet ll0tsa ppl wont be going..
hahas! since we haf hols on tuesday and wednesday..
hehe! neways.. i'm going th0.. gonna haf ll0tsa fun! i guess~
hehe! =) am g0nna get ready for bed.. and play game i think..
till then~ whEeeee``` imu imu~` ^___^

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