Sunday, March 21, 2010

s u n n y

sunny sunday! :)
hehe~ its a very h0t day today~
woke up earlier than usual..
cause normally i'm lazy on sunday
and mostly wake up around the afternoon~ xD

effin h0t now.. arghhhh~
what's wrong with the weather ?
when its hot, its super hot...
when its raining.. it rains heavily.. >.< !

had sunny hill ice cream just now!

oh yeahh! i've found my 69 earring!
the one i dropped the other day at sunny hill~
i saw it today! weets~ but its spoiled already..

but like i said,
its okay even if its spoiled..
as long as i still can keep it because
its given by my mum few years ago~

i'm very glad its still around!

lalala~ going to church in a while..
it's 4.32pm now~
listening to lady gaga~ :D

off to facebook!

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